Chief Sustainability Officers: Delivering on Climate Ambitions

Chief Sustainability Officers are a critical driver of climate action inside organizations. Their role includes developing climate strategy and execution roadmaps, setting up accurate and complete carbon accounting processes, sourcing climate financing and educating the whole organization on the topic. This is a big responsibility for one role to address and with growing regulation and stakeholder attention, CSOs are feeling ever more pressure to deliver.

This webinar coincides with the launch of “How to be a Chief Sustainability Officer”, a book that demystifies the CSO role and offers a blueprint to succeed. In this one-hour webinar, authors Anna and Jennifer will speak to two distinguished CSOs about their experience in delivering on climate ambitions in their organizations and the evolving role of the CSO.


  • Anna Krotova, co-author of “How to be a Chief Sustainability Officer”
  • Jennifer Geary, co-author of “How to be a Chief Sustainability Officer”
  • Wineke Ploos van Amstel-Haagsma, Chief Sustainability Officer at PWC Netherlands
  • Sharon McManus, Chief Sustainability Officer at ESB IrelandPlease join us to learn how CSOs are leading on climate action in business, and bring your questions!

Watch the full webinar below if you’ve missed it.

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